Matt Greiner

Chair of the Hospitality Committee

Education and Degrees:

- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture—Animal Science, University of Tennessee, 1998

- Master of Science—Physician Assistant, Mountain State University, 2004

Occupational Experience:

- Physician Assistant - East Tennessee Children’s Hospital 

- Emergency Dept. and Hospitalist - 2004-2006

- Pediatric Surgery - 2006-2020

- Pediatric Gastroenterology - 2020-present

Message to parents:

         In my youth, I thought I had it all, both in terms of worldly accomplishments and spiritual fulfillment. Like most youths, I did not know what I did not know. As I grew, I began to sense a void that I could not quite define, nor fill, with my usual pursuits. When I became a parent, I knew that I could not pass on what I did not have, so I spent years of personal study trying to deepen my knowledge of the Faith and the Church, so I could effectively pass on the truth of the Catholic faith to my children. When I found what I was looking for, I was filled with the happiness of one who found a long-lost love. At the same time that I was elated, and ready to share my new faith with anyone who would listen, I was also wondering how such a treasure could have been hidden from me for so long. And I realized that, without a faithful generation before us to pass along this gift, it would easily be lost to the world around us. Enter the Chesterton Academy. Here I have found that vehicle to faithfully transmit to my children and  grandchildren the very thing that I had done without for so long.

Nothing is more important than our faith, and the transmission of that faith to the next generation. Please join us at the Chesterton Academy of St Margaret Clitherow for the privilege of joyfully and faithfully transmitting the deposit of faith, in its entirety, to generations to come. 

Extracurricular Activities:

Athlete and Gymnastics coach—CrossFit Knoxville

Contact Information: