Student Life
House System
Chesterton Academy’s House system is drawn from the 1,000 year-old tradition of Christian education exemplified in the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. The Houses provide real, tangible community within the larger school, giving students the opportunity to take ownership, fulfill the call to leadership, and to cultivate the ideal conditions for virtue. Each House has two Senior and two Junior prefects, two faculty advisors, and several parent liaisons.
Encountering Christ
Catholicism is central to our mission. For this reason, every school day begins with Mass. We teach theology out of the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and papal documents. Other important ways we live the faith include annual pilgrimages and retreats, modest and wholesome extracurricular activities, and sacred art and crucifixes adorn the hall and the classrooms.
Faith in Our School
Daily Mass
Weekly opportunities for Adoration
Retreats, Confession, and Spiritual Formation
Faith incorporated into every subject
Chaplains or regular visits from priests and religious
The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, as such we encourage sports at every level. The Crusaders compete in multiple sports each season, led by our Athletic Director, Mr. Andrew Carstarphen, as well as our coaches for each sport.
Furthermore, sports at the Chesterton Academy round out the formation of the students. As a new school, we have the ability to build our athletic program based on what our enrolled students and families want. Here are some of the sports we hope to offer:
The CAMC Crusaders, led by their coach Mr. Derek Cantrell, have partnered with First Tee of Knoxville at their location at Williams Creek Golf Course (23 Dandridge Ave. Knoxville, TN 3715) with practices taking place once per week during the fall season, and competitions taking place about once per month.
Transportation will be provided from campus to the venue on William’s Creek, but parents must pick their child(ren) up from the Course after practice.
For more information, contact Coach Cantrell at golf@knoxchesterton.com.
Rock Climbing
The CAMC Crusaders, led by their coach Mrs. Sonia Summers, have partnered with River Sports Outfitter Climbing Center (2918 Sutherland Ave., Knoxville, TN 37919) with practices taking place once per week during the fall season, and competitions taking place about once per month.
Transportation will be provided from campus to the venue on William’s Creek, but parents must pick their child(ren) up from the Climbing Center after practice.
For more information, contact Coach Summers at sonia@knoxchesterton.com.
Competitive Rowing
St. Margaret’s has partnered with Oak Ridge Rowing Association to offer an after-school coached competitive rowing program at one of the nation’s premier rowing venues. Transportation will be provided from St. Margaret’s to the venue on Melton Hill Lake. First-year rowers practice four days per week, 4-6pm. Varsity rowers practice every afternoon and Saturday mornings. St. Margaret’s rowers will compete at 4-8 southeast regattas per year, the largest of which are held in Oak Ridge.
Clubs & Activities
In the first few years of Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow, we will be initiating and building upon a variety of clubs and activities. We will encourage students to seek out a moderator and host their own clubs and activities. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one! Some of the clubs we would like to see at Chesterton are:
Chess Club
Thanks to the initiative of a few students, the Chess Club is now up and running! Chess club meetings are every Thursday after school. We competed in the regional championship against the top players from 13 different schools, and each of our Crusaders managed to score against their opponents. With each practice, our students are growing tremendously in their chess skills. We can’t wait to see what they accomplish as the school year continues!
Chesterton Choir
Music is the art of intelligibly organized sound and rhythm, given to man by Almighty God, that we might praise Him more fittingly and delight in its sublime beauty.
Our music curriculum encompasses music theory, music appreciation, and learning and performing both ancient and modern music.
Because we are a school in the Catholic tradition, we also learn and explore what the Church teaches about our priceless heritage of sacred music: “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.” Sacrosanctum concilium, No. 112
Ora et Labora
Ora et Labora takes place after Mass on the Last Friday of every month during which the students carry out a different act of service.
Daily Mass
Our students attend daily Mass before the start of each school day. It is such a blessing to start off our days with Mass and prayer- allowing our hearts and minds to be filled with love for God.
Serving the Altar
During Mass, our students have the opportunity to altar serve.