The one thing that is never taught by any chance in the atmosphere of public schools is this: that there is a whole truth of things, and that in knowing it and speaking it we are happy.

G.K. Chesterton

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chesterton Academy?

A Joyful Catholic, Classical High School for students in grades 9-12. Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow is part of the Chesterton Schools Network. We are one of 72 schools nationwide (and growing!) and four internationally.

We are located at 217 Fox Road, Knoxville, TN 37922.

Who is G.K. Chesterton?

The Chesterton Schools Network is named for the great English writer
and Catholic convert, G.K. Chesterton (1874- 1936). Chesterton is our
school’s patron because he exemplified the Catholic faith through a life
filled with joy, wonder, and gratitude.

Chesterton was considered one of the world’s most outstanding men of
letters in the early 20th century. An accomplished essayist, novelist,
and poet, he wrote a hundred books on all different subjects. In 1922, he
shocked the literary establishment by converting to Catholicism. He
was later eulogized by Pope Pius XI as “a gifted defender of the faith,”
and there is presently a popular movement to have him canonized. He
not only represents the fullness of faith and reason, but also Catholic
joy and common sense.

What is the Chesterton Schools Network?

The original Chesterton Academy opened in 2008 in Edina, MN, when co-founders Dale Ahlquist and Tom Bengston dreamed of starting a Catholic high school that truly met the educational and spiritual needs of their children.

In 2013, in response to mounting requests from around the world, the Chesterton Schools Network was formally established to help other groups start schools in their area, drawing on the Chesterton Academy curriculum and approach.

Learn more about CSN here.

What is a “Classical Education”?

Classical Education is a holistic approach to learning emphasizing critical thinking and the study of classic literature, history, philosophy and moral character. The classical approach teaches not merely what to think, but how to think.

What types of classes are offered?


History, literature, philosophy, theology, and languages are braided together in an integrated curriculum utilizing the Socratic Method.

Math & Science

Math and science are intimately connected; the logic of math is seen in philosophy and God’s handiwork is seen in the sciences. Mathematics is the art of measuring. Science is the study of what can be measured. Math at Chesterton Academy covers Euclidean geometry and algebra, all the way through advanced Calculus. Science at Chesterton covers Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

The Fine Arts

Equal emphasis is given to the arts, so that every student learns to draw and paint, sing in the choir, act on the stage, give speeches, and engage in debate.

Is Chesterton Academy accredited?

The Knoxville Chesterton school is accredited provisionally through the Chesterton Schools Network. The Network works through an existing accreditor, which is registered in the state of Tennessee. We are doing everything necessary to finalize our accreditation in 2026. No graduate from any Chesterton school has ever been turned away from a college because of their background from a Chesterton Academy.

Are there any college partnerships?

The Chesterton Schools Network and Franciscan University of Steubenville have formed a partnership that provides Chesterton high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn significant credit towards their college educations—at an extremely affordable rate through the Franciscan Advantage Program. In addition to the Franciscan Advantage, Christendom College and Ave Maria University offer automatic scholarships, while Benedictine College and Thomas More College offer their own individual advantages to Chesterton Students.

Is Chesterton Academy of Knoxville associated with the Diocese of Knoxville?

Chesterton Academy has been recognized as a Catholic school by our bishop. He has granted us the status of a private association of the faithful. This status ensures that the school has dual oversight. We are overseen and accredited by the Chesterton Schools Network as well as the diocesan Superintendent of Schools.

Our teachers attend the diocesan in-service days and are active members of their parishes throughout the diocese. Father Neil Blatchford is our spiritual advisor, and his position has also been approved by the bishop.

Chesterton Academy remains a humble part of the Catholic flock in Knoxville, and we strive to have an open door to all.

Read the Bishop’s letter of approval here.

Is this Chesterton Academy a homeschool co-op?


Chesterton Academy is a full-time high school. All of our teachers are well-trained professionals.

Chesterton Academy accepts incoming students from any background of education, whether Catholic school, homeschool or public school. We strive to provide a warm and welcoming environment that helps new students transition into our classical education model.

Is this Chesterton Academy sponsored by the Ordinariate?


Chesterton Academy leases space to the Ordinariate Church of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. This small Catholic Church began its life very shortly after the school, and was in need of affordable space on Sundays and Wednesday nights.

So, the school leases space to the Ordinariate while both of our missions grow. Father Baker teaches history class for us and offers daily mass for the students and faculty. We also bring in priests from around the diocese to offer mass, and travel to mass at other churches.

We appreciate the liturgy of the Ordinariate, having been approved by the Catholic Church, but are in no way an Ordinariate school.

Is this Chesterton Academy a Latin Mass school?


Chesterton Academy is not a Latin Mass school.

Our students have attended masses of both the Latin and Novus Ordo forms. The Novus Ordo has been much more common, given its prevalence.

We teach our students to follow the teachings of the Church, and the Church has two forms of the Mass, which we wholeheartedly support.

Is this Chesterton Academy a Catholic School?

Catholicism is central to our mission. For this reason, every school day begins with Mass. We teach theology out of the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and papal documents. Other important ways we live the faith include annual pilgrimages and retreats, modest and wholesome extracurricular activities, regular visits from priests and religious, Weekly opportunities for Adoration and Confession, and sacred art and crucifixes adorn the halls and the classrooms.

Can non-Catholics attend Chesterton?

Yes. We do require four years of Catholic theology, the curriculum is infused with Catholic thought, and all students are required to participate in school events, including Mass, retreats, and other prayer services. However, all are welcome to attend!

Is a private, classical, Catholic education affordable?

Chesterton Academy of St. Margaret Clitherow is committed to offering an outstanding high school education at an affordable cost to families.

Tuition: $8600

Enrollment Fee: $200

Textbook & Supplies Fee: $595

Total: $9,395

We are proud of our affordable tuition, which is considerably
lower than most private schools in the area.

Is financial aid available?

Yes! Please contact us for more information.

How do I apply?

Begin by visiting our admissions page, scheduling a shadow day, visiting an open house, or simply reaching out to our admissions team! From there, we will guide you through the rest of the admissions and enrollment process.